Telling Your Side of the Story

Narratives are important to people, particularly when they are making judgments. This holds true in most walks of life, but it is especially true in legal proceedings. It is therefore important for a defense attorney to tell their clients’ side of the story, and explain how events unfolded.

A Resonant Story Can Make All the Difference

In a criminal trial, there are often reasons and thought processes that never get considered. People who have been accused of crimes are painted as wrongdoers by the prosecution, and it can be difficult to lift that image from the judge’s or the juror’s mind. In many cases though, there are explanations and reasons for actions that make them appear more sympathetic, and can help turn the case in the defense’s favor.

A defense attorney will talk to their client and understand what transpired. They will then figure out a favorable way to present the narrative. This often simply means that the defense puts the accused on the stand and asks questions that get at the heart of the case and their reasoning.

Get Your Story Told

A strong defense lawyer is a storyteller, someone who understands narratives and can sway opinions. Bruce Edge and his team understand this idea, and can make sure that your side of the story is heard. A strong defense can be the difference between a conviction and exoneration; so don’t waste time if you are facing a criminal trial.  Call today at (918) 582-6333 or schedule a free consultation online.

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